Marquette Warrior: Doing It Again: Aspin Center to Honor Pro-Abortion Politician Dick Durbin

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Doing It Again: Aspin Center to Honor Pro-Abortion Politician Dick Durbin

Here is something we got from a former student of ours:
Gentlemen -- I received a Save the Date card today for Thursday, Oct. 6, when the Aspin Center will present the Democracy Award to US Senator Dick Durbin at the National Press Club here in DC. Alas, apparently the Aspin Center is unaware of the Catholic Bishops’ policy against giving leadership awards and other honors to pro-abortion politicians.
Marquette’s Aspin Center, run by Fr. Tim O’Brien, has a history of honoring pro-abortion politicians. For example, Gwen Moore (see here and here), and John Lewis (see here and here).

Why would the Aspin Center do things like this?

Partly because it is run by liberals. But partly because it wants to be an important “player” in DC affairs, and pandering to pro-abortion liberals is one way of seeking that status.


Anonymous thekahoona said...

I'm afraid that it is more cynical than you might imagine.

You are correct to think that the Aspin Center is wants to be seen as an important player in the DC ecosystem.

However, this strikes me as a coldly calculated move by both parties.

Politicians will seek out honors given by potential critics. It shows them to be "bi-partisan."

The Aspin Center will seek to give honors to those whom they should criticize to show that they can "transcend a single issue."

But, it is the singular fact that the Aspin Center is hosted by a major Catholic university that makes this award so tantalizing to the pro-abortion left and so destructive to the crumbling integrity of the American Catholic university.

Not only is a major Catholic university willing to throw a core value under the bus for political expediency, they are willing to honor a man who espouses (and promotes) the exact opposite of that core value.

It is disgusting on so many different levels.

9:57 AM  

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