Marquette Warrior: Letter to the Editor: Arts & Sciences Misbegotten Graduation Ceremony

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Letter to the Editor: Arts & Sciences Misbegotten Graduation Ceremony

A letter to the editor on the 2005 Arts & Sciences graduation, which unfortunately is going to be repeated in 2006, from 2005 Arts & Sciences graduate Tom Buttry:

Kudos on the graduation blog posting. . . . I understand the parents holding sway over their kids’ high school graduations, but by the time they’re graduating from college, they’re actually adults whose input should matter. That being said, I don’t think a single one of us last year would have chosen to sit there for almost two hours in that hot gym. Also, I would like to know where I can find these parents who lobby for a second, never-ending ceremony, because I think my parents would like to smack some sense into these people. Five seconds of watching your kid receive a diploma cover is not worth two hours where the only thing remotely engaging is a freakin’ beach ball.

Take care,


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